Wednesday, November 25, 2009


So PC opened this week...the new park manager is killing it. Jumps aren't huge or anything but this is definitely a dope opening park that's super fun.

Keefer been getting on that Clown School tip and is in the first CS edit of the season BLACKOUT.

The Blackout from Evan Heath on Vimeo.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

And so it begins

Tomorrow PC is opening. The season is underway for most of the STEENIEZ team now.
(Noe,Miconi have a little head start with Brighton but they don't have jumps..which we will have at Park City)
Check back tomorrow and hopefully we'll have a nice run down of the events of opening day

Monday, November 2, 2009


Getting stoked for the season. Can't wait for the snow to start flying so we can all start flying through the air and enjoying our selves. To keep you entertained here are a few more edits form some of the team.

In other STEENIEZ related can now get your hands on a beanie up in Ogden at DECADE SNOW & SKATE. Get in there and get yourself geared up for the season and grab a beanie while you are there.

Keef Dogg 08-09 from Nicky Keefer on Vimeo.

Steve Stepp 09 from Steve Stepp on Vimeo.

Just fun times hangin around